00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
You Qualify To Join The Ninja Circle!

You Get 3 Months Free, PLUS we're waiving the $100 Initiation Fee!


It takes a dollar to activate the Bonus and then your first 3-months membership fees are waived! After 3 months your membership continues at a 50% off monthly rate - just $97/mo (you can cancel at any time).

“Your mental, emotional and spiritual “muscles” need to be worked just like your physical body. The Ninja Circle brings it ALL together, game changer and fun!" ~ Jayne Kraman
A Personal Message from Sensei Tristan

Dear Life-Force Ninja... I want to share a short story with you and extend an opportunity to totally transform yourself into the most limitless version of YOU possible! And I mean LIMITLESS!!

Please know that I am sharing the following story not to "talk about me", but to demonstrate the power of the mind and the importance of learning how to transform your personal "story".

When I was 15 years old and living in Malibu California, I remember having the feeling that something GREAT was supposed to happen in my life. I don't know how I knew this - but inwardly there was this knowing that I was meant for more (a past life awareness perhaps).

I also knew that in order for MORE to happen in my life I needed to get past my fears to feel more calm, clear and confident.  But when I thought about a calm life filled with clarity and confidence... I knew I was very far away from that.

It may seem peculiar, I was living in one of the most beautiful places in the world, and yet I usually felt self conscious, shutdown and fearful! As it turns out, a beautiful background cannot change what's happening inside of a human being.

You see my parents had divorced when I was 6 while living in England, and for as many of those 6 years as I can remember, I was a witness to constant dysfunctional behavior, emotional instability and yelling matches! 

I grew up feeling unsafe and always worrying about what drama was coming next!

As a sensitive child I was deeply confused by my parents lack of respect for each other; it HURT so much watching them fight! I remember crying myself to sleep for many years. 

After the divorce my mum transported me from my life in England to the United States. Everything was different in America - things felt BIGGER, louder and faster! 

I was enrolled into a new school. I remember the kids were very intrigued by my 'strange' British accent - they would always bug me to talk (I was super shy, so that was way too much attention!). I felt so different

I had no idea how to play baseball, skateboard or dress cool (I was still wearing private school trousers and dress shoes - LOL). Needles to say, I really didn't fit in!

The whole uprooting from what I knew...  into a totally different cultural rhythm, and now a new school and trying to fit in... it all just added to my internal angst; I started mentally imploding. 

During the day I was so worried what others thought of me, that the pressure caused my hands to sweat on the desk at school (so embarrassing!) I hated going to school.

The angst got so bad I recall waking up one morning, with little pieces of ground-up teeth in my mouth. It's crazy how internal pressure can cause you to shear your jaws during the night! I was just 12 years old.

In fact by the age of 13 i would come home from school and go straight to bed because I started getting migraine headaches that were unbearable.

You may have recognized it by now, this young boy was presenting all the signs of a full blown psycho-somatic disorder.

(Psycho-soma is how the mind directly affects the body; excessive thoughts, feelings and concerns create maladaptive signals - from the brain to the body - and disrupt our natural, healthy state of homeostasis.)

I'm sharing a little of my personal story with you to punch out a very important point - no matter who we are, how old we are, where we live, or where we grew up - we are all directly affected by the power of our THOUGHTS and more importantly, our FEELINGS!

Whether you have a psycho-somatic condition or not (i personally think from today's media and information overload in our society that most people do), we are all well aware of how our thoughts can make us healthy OR make us sick!

Left unattended stress, fear and anxiety trapped in the mind will ultimately start to attack the body. Dis-ease in the brain sends maladaptive signals into the body that start to destroy our health.

Over time these skewed brain-body signals can cause a variety of disorders: auto-immune, mental, vascular, respiratory, and many others!

For me those fear/stress-based signals not only gave me sweaty palms and migraines, but also wreaked havoc upon my muscles and joints. My worrisome thoughts ended up causing knee pain and later chronic back pain.

And let's not forget, a mind left out of control can also cause drama and trauma in relationships (I have witnessed this one first hand and it is UGLY!)

BUT perhaps the most devastating of all disorders is the disconnect from our best friend - the Soul.

I get that this can all sound pretty depressing and perhaps even scary - but don't worry, there's a silver lining!

Remember when I said at the age of 15 i wanted to feel more calm, clear and confident and something within was 'waking up' to more? Well physical and mental pain is usually how our inner guidance attempts to get our attention!

Suffering is actually grace in disguise - because it's trying to get our attention so we will finally address the stress and the separation!

Obviously it's not easy to see it as grace while we're in the middle of our pain - but looking back you can usually see that there was a gift waiting to be discovered inside of the pain.

That's what I found - through my angst I was becoming aware of how my thoughts were affecting my body (and my energy/feelings) - i KNEW i had to find a way to master my mind - and when I did I finally started consciously designing a life I could LOVE living.

Perhaps that's what led you to Satori Method - there was pain (physical or emotional) or an internal feeling of Soul separation - and one or all of these were the driving force that led you to wanting to harness the power of your mind and your life-force energy!

In my experience our most difficult life conditions are orchestrated by the Divine, pushing us onto a path of self discovery, and ultimately a path for Spiritual Awakening!

Enter the world of martial arts.

Fortunately for me there was a great martial arts teacher living in Malibu; even as a very young boy I had always felt that something like the martial arts could help me (again, perhaps a past life awareness).

I asked my mum, who was now remarried, if I could attend the classes. 

She was definitely reluctant at first - fighting had been a big part of her previous marriage and she was concerned that this might 'trigger' aggression in me. However after meeting the teacher and better understanding what martial arts is really all about (respect, discipline, kindness) she agreed.

I have to say, if it weren't for the martial arts I don't know what I would have done! I finally had a way to release all of that pent up, internal pressure and start to develop focused mind control.

Looking back it is now so clear that my life completely transformed from the kindness (and loving discipline) I received from my Sensei (teacher) - PLUS the fact that there was a CLEAR PATH for me to follow to master my mind... and ultimately myself.

The CLEAR PATH i'm referring to is the Belt Journey offered by a good martial arts system.

With a Belt System in place the student knows exactly what they need to do, step-by-step. The belts offer a clear and progressive path that guides them in up-leveling their mental, physical and spiritual constitution.

Honestly, it didn't take too long before I realized that by focusing myself on attaining higher levels (belts) I was not only learning to master my body and my mind - but I was also learning how to use my energy to consciously create my reality!

In truth the martial arts literally saved my life! Having a clear path I could follow, with an amazing teacher (who helped me get out of my mental prison), was EXACTLY what I needed to refocus my energy and start building a positive life.

Would you like to walk with me on this CLEAR PATH?

Sweet Soul... I would love to invite you on a journey of self mastery... an adventure we can go on together where you not only up-level your health and mental resilience... but also find your way back to your TRUEself (the Soul).

There is a powerful and beautiful energy inside of you - and when you fully awaken that energy you will have a powerful remembering (a.k.a. SATORI). 

When this clarity awakens within you must do everything you can to protect it - and keep it alive within yourself. 

That is the beauty of having a clear path, having a guide, and having others around you who are fully dedicated to staying on the path. This Path (a.k.a. Budo in the martial arts) helps you stay on track and protects your awakening!

Once you awaken this energy you'll always have the clarity to keep moving in the right direction.

In fact attaining your deepest desires in life become EFFORTLESS - seriously, when get your energy right everything in life flows! Sure there will be challenges, but when you're awake, challenges are just 'love lessons'.

To help our students get on track and stay on track with a life of mastery Sabrina and I created Satori Method. We offer many levels of learning our method - for example, our Life Force Dojo - it is a beautiful place for dedicated students to start practicing our method.

However, within our complete S.A.T.O.R.I. system there is SO much MORE!

That is why we created the Life-Force Ninja program that you are enrolled in. It merges all the things we love about personal development, mind-body-energy optimization and spiritual growth!


To help you FULLY integrate the skills offered in the Life-Force Ninja program we would like to invite you to join us in The Ninja Circle (TNC). This is our elite "inner circle" of students who are dedicated to mastering the S.A.T.O.R.I. method at the deepest level, and make the life-force arts "A Way of Life".

The Ninja Circle is our most advanced training experience for students who would like to accelerate their journey of personal mastery.

To be extremely clear, we do not offer this training to the general public. The ONLY way to get into The Ninja Circle is to first complete the Life-Force Ninja program.

Since you are just about to complete your Life-Force Ninja training there is a short window of time where you can enroll in The Ninja Circle.

Our Ninjas love being in The Ninja Circle because it gives them an incredible opportunity to fully integrate the Life-Force Ninja curriculum and master all of the Pillars, Activators and Processes.

In The Ninja Circle you will be coached directly by us. You get the opportunity for 1-1 time with us (in a small group setting). This is also the most affordable coaching you can get with us. Normally our 1-1 sessions are $500. However, in The Ninja Circle, you get this same attention for a fraction of the cost.


When you become a member of TNC you have the opportunity to dive even deeper into the Life-Force Ninja curriculum, but now following the ancient principles of the martial arts.

Students love the accountability offered in The Ninja Circle because they have the option of earning a "Black Belt in Life" by going through our S.A.T.O.R.I. Belt Journey (only offered in The Ninja Circle).

NOTE: Not all of our Ninjas work on earning belts; this is a sub-program offered within The Ninja Circle. *Your Belt Exam fees and Wristband Belts are included up to Red Belt level.

In a nutshell The Ninja Circle helps you to:

    ✽ Shift what you attract by rewriting your 'old story' with the Satori Storybook
    ✽ Get extra coaching so you can master the 7 S.A.T.O.R.I. Transformation Pillars
    ✽ Practice the Physical Life-Force Activators & Mental Life-Force Processes 
    ✽ Raise your charisma and confidence levels (especially perfect for coaches)
    ✽ Stay accountable to your transformation by following the S.A.T.O.R.I. Belt System
    ✽ Learn an advanced Black Belt Energy routine upgrade strength and ENERGY!
    ✽ Connect regularly with the high-vibe students in The Ninja Circle!

After experiencing SATORI in my life I finally understood why I felt that I was meant for more in this life - and the truth is - so are YOU!!

Much Love,
Sensei Tristan

Limited Time Offer - No Contract - Easy Cancellation
“Since working on my belts, I've created the habits I needed to truly uplift my life. As a result I have more energy and stamina to give others the 'best of me' and the ripple effect has been truly remarkable." ~ Nancy Rose
See the A-M-A-Z-I-N-G Details Below!
Limited Time Offer - No Contract - Easy Cancellation
“Since working on my belts, I've created the habits I needed to truly uplift my life. As a result I have more energy and stamina to give others the 'best of me' and the ripple effect has been truly remarkable." ~ Nancy Rose


This is your personal invitation to join Sensei and Sabrina and the fellow Ninjas and Become a Black Belt In Life! Watch the video below and then read the additional information to discover everything that's included with The Ninja Circle Membership.


Sensei & Sabrina offer a monthly masterclass on Zoom to help you Master the 6 Pillars of Transformation. These coaching sessions include deeper-dive training into each Pillar, spotlight coaching (ask for help and get your breakthrough), plus practice sessions with other Ninjas in private breakout rooms! 

Below is an overview of the 6 Pillars of Transformation within the complete S.A.T.O.R.I. curriculum. As a Life-Force Ninja we will help you to further master and integrate the curriculum and "Become Your Own Energy Coach".

6 S.A.T.O.R.I. Pillars of Transformation:
1.  ENERGY SCORE ASSESSMENT (Energy Assessment Tool)

2. S.A.T.O.R.I. SEQUENCE  (Step-by-Step Daily Rituals)

3. THE PATH TO MASTERY (aka The G.O.A.L.S. Formula)

4. MENTAL KUNG FU  (The Mindset Mastery Process)

5. WHY WORK (Unlock Motivation with the Mastery Map)
6. SATORI STORYBOOK  (Process to Create NEW Stories)

*Mastering the Pillars gives you an incredible ability to navigate your life by cultivating a Black Belt Mindset! ABOUT THE CURRICULUM:

Key Features:
-Monthly ZOOM "Deeper Dive" Lessons
-Monthly ZOOM "Group Q&A" Sessions
-Monthly ZOOM "1-1" Spotlight Coaching
-Accountability: Budo Buddy Breakout Rooms


The main focus of The Ninja Circle is developing mindset mastery, so you can manifest like a NINJA! However to truly tap into the power of the "ORI" curriculum we must continue to deepen our understanding and skills within the "SAT" energy work principles. There is nowhere other than The Ninja Circle that you can get this level of bio-mechanical, energy refinement that Sensei & Sabrina offers!

Key Features:
-Monthly movement trainings with Sensei
-Access to the Black Belt Qigong Kata (routine)
-Additional "Open Mat" training sessions (so much fun!)

THE S.A.T.O.R.I. BELT JOURNEY (optional)

Our direct experience shows that having a Clear Path (ie. the S.A.T.O.R.I. Belts) can be the KEY to getting and staying on track with your transformation! With our progressive Belt Journey you'll not only be consistently motivated to keep evolving - by earning wristband belts - but also coached directly by Sensei Tristan. The (optional) Belt Journey is an incredible training approach to help you Master the Method!

Key Features:
-30 Day "On-Track" Curriculum Cycles
-Complete Step-by-Step 'Belt Guides’
-S.A.T.O.R.I. Belt Exams to Earn Higher Levels
-Extra Coaching on each Pillar during Exams
-Brown/Black Belts get a special Zoom Exam

*Please note all of your Belt Exam Fees are included (through Red Belt) with your membership!  ($170 real value)


It is beyond helpful to train with others who have a similar drive towards attaining Soul Goals. Since The Ninja Circle offers the Clear Path (The Life-Force Ninja Curriculum and the optional S.A.T.O.R.I. Belt Journey), it makes it really FUN to support and champion each other on this path toward personal mastery!

Key Features:
-Budo Buddy Sessions in the Masterclasses
-Ninja Circle Networking within the Community
-A Private Ninja Circle Chat for Members Only!

“Stepping on the Satori Black Belt journey was the first time I did something totally for myself... just for me! I’ve put on a lot of hats in life, but donning the Satori Black Belt is my crowning personal achievement. My family, friends and colleagues all benefit from my return home to self because I am completely present for them. The benefits are real and they feel great!” ~ Bonnie Carney
Life-Force Mastery Dojo – $197/month (50% OFF) – today just $97/month

BONUS #1: Energy Detox & Reboot 2020
(Forever Access to the Event Recordings!)
($297 Value) New members only
BONUS #2: Energy EXPERIENCE Series 
(Energy Expansion Experience Recordings) 
($297 Value)
BONUS #3: The VIP Awakened Living Club
(A Vault of Audios To Up-level Your Life) 
($97/month Value)
(Monthly Membership + Bonuses) = $885
*Yes this includes all bonuses for only $97 
** Limited Offer | Limited Spots! **
Your Investment: Get started today with 1 easy payment of just $97
Then simply continue to enjoy full access each month at this reduced rate - easy cancellation at any time. You keep the Detox and Reboot Recordings forever.
The Mastery Membership includes 12 months of the Mastery Dojo classes ($2364) (Save $194)

BONUS #1: Energy Detox & Reboot  
BONUS #2: Energy Experience Series ($297)
BONUS #3: VIP Club for 12/mo ($1164 Value)

You Also Get TWO Additional BONUSES:

--> A Life-Force Home Study Course!  ($177)
 --> A Private Coaching Session with Tristan or Sabrina (Healing or Business)   ($500)
($177 + $500) = $677 in Value
(Annual Membership + Bonuses) = $5,796
Yep, if you act right now you get 12 months for the price of 10 - plus all of the bonuses!!
** Limited Offer | Limited Spots! **

Total Value: $6435 Just $970

Your Investment: Get started today with 1 single payment of $970
Then enjoy full year's membership with the option to switch to a monthly plan or renew at this incredibly reduced rate.


Monthly LIVE Zoom Masterclass Coaching
Monthly Belt Exam Spotlight Reviews
Complete SATORI Belt Curriculum
Movement Mastery Sessions
Private TNC Community


Your Exam Fees are FREE, through Red Belt!
($170 Value!)

Ninja Circle Monthly Membership (Reg. $297 /mo)
*You Get 3 Months Free, JUST $1 to Activate*
PLUS the $100 Initiation Fee is Waived!
(Regular Tuition is $3564 /year)
Continue for JUST $97/mo
Cancel at any time.

It takes a dollar to activate the Bonus and then your first 3-months membership fees are waived! After 3 months your membership continues at a 50% off monthly rate - just $97/mo (you can cancel at any time).

***This training is the perfect companion with your Dojo membership**



LIVE Classes, Replays + 3 Bonuses!

Connect with Tristan & Sabrina 3 Times EVERY Week! Let's Keep the Momentum of Health, Clarity and Abundance Consciousness FLOWING!

**Includes The ENERGY Event Recordings!**

Total Value: $888  Just $97/mo

Monthly Membership ◀ 

Your Investment: Get started today with 1 easy payment of just $97
Then simply continue to enjoy full access each month at this reduced rate - easy cancellation at any time. You keep the Detox and Reboot Recordings forever.

Includes The ENERGY Detox & Reboot Event Recordings!!



THE DOJO + Get Two Additional BONUSES!

  • Extra Life-Force Course: Choose from Martial Yoga: Movement Medicine or the Quantum Transformation Course (Real Value $197) new members only.
  • 1-1 Private Session: Connect with Sensei or Sabrina for one deep healing session or love-based business strategy session! (Real Value $500)

Total Value: $4819  Just $970/yr

Annual Membership ◀ 

Your Investment: Get started today with 1 single payment of $970
Then enjoy full year's membership with the option to switch to a monthly plan or choose to renew at this incredibly reduced yearly rate - save on two months!

Includes the ENERGY Event Recordings PLUS the 1-1 Coaching!

“Joining the Dojo was a game changer for my body’s mobility but The Ninja Circle has been a life changer! ~ Kristen Carbone 
"The belt journey in the Satori Ninja Circle is a wonderful opportunity to deepen and always discover my inner knowing, my life force, surrounded and supported by lovely friends and Sensei's teaching ~ Anne Beaudonnet
"Sensei Tristan helped me find deeper levels of my own Mind-Body-Spirit connection, and working with him is just plain fun!" ~ Bill Small 
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