This is the place to access your LIVE Weekly Dojo Classes!

Saturday, March 15th at 10:30 a.m.(CST)
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
  IMPORTANT: Timer stops at 11:00am but we start at 10:30am

SATORI SCULPT™: This weekly class is a jam-packed 25-minute session! To combat age-related muscle loss (known as sarcopenia) incorporating weight resistance movements into your routine is highly beneficial. Our gentle approach stimulates muscle growth and Bone Strength (and tightens skin!). Our movements mimic activities you perform in daily life, such as lifting, pushing, pulling, and carrying. 

Flowing Qigong: In this class we’ll be diving into our Flowing Qigong curriculum. Qigong is an ancient gentle moving meditation known for its miraculous healing powers. It combines gentle stretching and breathing, flowing moves and mindfulness meditation.  Sensei Tristan :) 

Fitness Fusion: In this FITNESS FUSION class, get ready to strengthen muscles and tendons, increase bone density and supply fresh life-force energy (QI) to your tissues, organs and bones. The class includes ageless mobility moves and our MOST popular routines from our signature Qigong Strong exercises. Trisbrina

*If you missed the previous LIVE class the replay is available (within 24 hours) in our main Satori Method Academy*

(At the time listed above - click one of the icons below to attend the LIVE session!)

*Choose Below Where You Would Like To Watch *


Below you will find resources that will help you FULLY participate throughout the 5 day challenge. Keep an eye on this area as you'll see more resources pop up each day!

  • Your GIFT: Click HERE for your gift - the Daily Qigong Course! ($127 value!)
  • The Energy Kit: Click HERE for the event only discount ... 50% OFF the already discounted rates!
  • Dojo Doors Open: Click HERE to learn how you can continue with us in our 3 weekly classes!
  • The Replay Page: Go HERE for the current replay of the most recent LIVE session!
  • PreTox Videos: Click HERE for Access to your 'PreTox' energy detox preparation training
  • Facebook Group: Click HERE to join the 5-Day Challenge Facebook Group (prizes given in here!!)
  • Schedule: We will be going LIVE each day at 1pm central (replays available immediately after)
  • Time Zone Converter: Use this tool HERE to help you convert the sessions times into your time zone
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