This is the place to access your LIVE Weekly Dojo Classes!
Saturday, March 15th at 10:30 a.m.(CST)
*Even though the image says TUES, class is actually on MON
IMPORTANT: This week's class had to be cancelled due to travel, but we've added a great fitness workout to the links below! And there's many more in the Satori Method Academy!
IMPORTANT: Timer stops at 11:00am but we start at 10:30am
PLEASE NOTE: This Class is on SUNDAY and we start at 10:30am
Energy Trifecta Class: In this class we’ll be blending Movement, Meditation and Mindset! That's the TRIFECTA for our unique ENERGY Method that Unblocks your Life-Force (QI), Unlocks your Inner Guidance and then confidently Unleashes the Power of YOU! Get ready to quickly dissolve daily stress and feel clear, centered and present.
SLEEP GONG MASTERCLASS - Learn this bedtime energy-work to induce deep, restful and rejuvenating sleep — PLUS Sensei will teach you a powerful process called The River Of Light to help activate incredible insights during slumber! Together Let’s Get Relaxed, Yin and Tapped In!
SATORI SCULPT™: This weekly class is a jam-packed 25-minute session! To combat age-related muscle loss (known as sarcopenia) incorporating weight resistance movements into your routine is highly beneficial. Our gentle approach stimulates muscle growth and Bone Strength (and tightens skin!). Our movements mimic activities you perform in daily life, such as lifting, pushing, pulling, and carrying.
Flowing Qigong: In this class we’ll be diving into our Flowing Qigong curriculum. Qigong is an ancient gentle moving meditation known for its miraculous healing powers. It combines gentle stretching and breathing, flowing moves and mindfulness meditation. Sensei Tristan :)
Fitness Fusion: In this FITNESS FUSION class, get ready to strengthen muscles and tendons, increase bone density and supply fresh life-force energy (QI) to your tissues, organs and bones. The class includes ageless mobility moves and our MOST popular routines from our signature Qigong Strong exercises. ~ Trisbrina
FOOT-GONG MASTERCLASS: Taking care of your feet and ankles is crucial for overall health. During this masterclass you will be doing gentle exercises that strengthen your feet and ankles and help prevent injuries and ensure you can enjoy an active life. Remember, happy feet and ankles mean a happier, healthier you!
Victoria's Bonus Session: This mother's love bonus gives you 'personal attention' group coaching and onboarding to answer all your questions, explain where things are located, what things are, all of the names and the terms, how to access your courses… plus your specific concerns and questions. See you there! ~ Love Trisbrina